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The gftools.pade module contains functions to perform analytic continuations using Pade. The implemented scheme focuses on averaging over multiple approximants.


Pade analytic continuation for Green’s functions and self-energies.

The main aim of this module is to provide analytic continuation based on averaging over multiple Pade approximates (similar to [1]).

In most cases the following high level function should be used:

averaged, avg_no_neg_imag
Return one-shot analytic continuation evaluated at z.
Returns a function for repeated evaluation of the continued function.


[1]Schött et al. “Analytic Continuation by Averaging Pade Approximants”. Phys Rev B 93, no. 7 (2016): 075104.
gftools.pade.Averager(z_in, coeff, *, valid_pades, kind: gftools.pade.KindSelector)[source]

Create function for averaging Pade scheme.

  • z_in ((N_in,) complex ndarray) – complex mesh used to calculate coeff
  • coeff ((.., N_in) complex ndarray) – coefficients for Pade, calculated from pade.coefficients
  • valid_pades (list_like of bool) – Mask which continuations are correct, all Pades where valid_pades evaluates to false will be ignored for the average.
  • kind ({KindGf, KindSelf}) – Defines the asymptotic of the continued function and the number of minumum and maximum input points used for Pade. For KindGf the function goes like \(1/z\) for large z, for KindSelf the function behaves like a constant for large z.

average – The continued function f(z) (z, ) -> Result. f(z).x contains the function values f(z).err the associated variance.

Return type:


  • TypeError – If valid_pades not of type bool
  • RuntimeError – If all there are none elements of valid_pades that evaluate to True.

Return function to check if imaginary part is smaller than threshold.

This methods is designed to create valid_pades for Averager. The imaginary part of retarded Green’s functions and self-energies must be negative, this is checked by this filter. A threshold is given as Pade overshoots when the function goes sharply to 0. See for example the semi-circular spectral function of the Bethe lattice with infinite Coordination number as example.

class gftools.pade.KindGf(n_min, n_max)[source]

Filter approximants such that the high-frequency behavior is \(1/ω\).

We denote approximants with the corresponding high frequency behavior as valid. Considers all valid approximants including between n_min and n_max Matsubara frequencies.

class gftools.pade.KindSelector(n_min, n_max)[source]

Abstract filter class to determine high-frequency behavior of Pade.

We denote approximants with the corresponding high frequency behavior as valid. Considers all valid approximants including between n_min and n_max Matsubara frequencies.


Return an iterator whose next() method returns valid values from iterable.


Return slice selecting the valid approximants.

class gftools.pade.KindSelf(n_min, n_max)[source]

Filter approximants such that the high-frequency behavior is a constant.

We denote approximants with the corresponding high frequency behavior as valid. Considers all valid approximants including between n_min and n_max Matsubara frequencies.

gftools.pade.averaged(z_out, z_in, *, valid_z=None, fct_z=None, coeff=None, filter_valid=None, kind: gftools.pade.KindSelector)[source]

Return the averaged Pade continuation with its variance.

The output is checked to have an imaginary part smaller than threshold, as retarded Green’s functions and self-energies have a negative imaginary part. This is a helper to conveniently get the continuation, it comes however with overhead.

  • z_out ((N_out,) complex ndarray) – points at with the functions will be evaluated
  • z_in ((N_in,) complex ndarray) – complex mesh used to calculate coeff
  • valid_z ((N_out,) complex ndarray, optional) – The output range according to which the Pade approximation is validated (compared to the threshold).
  • fct_z ((N_z, ) complex ndarray, optional) – Function at points z from which the coefficients will be calculated. Can be omitted if coeff is directly given.
  • coeff ((N_in,) complex ndarray, optional) – Coefficients for Pade, calculated from pade.coefficients. Can be given instead of fct_z.
  • filter_valid (callable) – Function determining which approximants to keep. The signature should be filter_valid(ndarray, iterable) -> bool ndarray. Currently there are the functions {FilterNegImag, } implemented to generate filter functions. Look into the implemented for details to create new filters.
  • kind ({KindGf, KindSelf}) – Defines the asymptotic of the continued function and the number of minumum and maximum input points used for Pade. For KindGf the function goes like \(1/z\) for large z, for KindSelf the function behaves like a constant for large z.

  • averaged.x ((N_in, N_out) complex ndarray) – function evaluated at points z
  • averaged.err ((N_in, N_out) complex ndarray) – variance associated with the function values pade.x at points z

gftools.pade.avg_no_neg_imag(z_out, z_in, *, valid_z=None, fct_z=None, coeff=None, threshold=1e-08, kind: gftools.pade.KindSelector)[source]

Average Pade filtering approximants with non-negative imaginary part.

This function wraps averaged, see averaged for the parameters.

Other Parameters:
 threshold (float, optional) – The numerical threshold, how large of an positive imaginary part is tolerated (default: 1e-8). np.infty can be given to accept all.
  • averaged.x ((N_in, N_out) complex ndarray) – function evaluated at points z
  • averaged.err ((N_in, N_out) complex ndarray) – variance associated with the function values pade.x at points z
gftools.pade.calc_iterator(z_out, z_in, coeff, *, kind: gftools.pade.KindSelector)[source]

Calculate Pade continuation of function at points z_out.

The continuation is calculated for different numbers of coefficients taken into account, where the number is in [n_min, n_max]. The algorithm is take from [2].

  • z_out (complex ndarray) – points at with the functions will be evaluated
  • z_in ((N_in,) complex ndarray) – complex mesh used to calculate coeff
  • coeff ((.., N_in) complex ndarray) – coefficients for Pade, calculated from pade.coefficients
  • kind ({KindGf, KindSelf}) – Defines the asymptotic of the continued function and the number of minumum and maximum input points used for Pade. For KindGf the function goes like \(1/z\) for large z, for KindSelf the function behaves like a constant for large z.

pade_calc – Function evaluated at points z_out for all corresponding (see kind) numbers of Matsubara frequencies between n_min and n_max. The shape of the elements is the same as coeff.shape with the last dimension corresponding to N_in replaced by the shape of z_out: (…, N_in, *z_out.shape).

Return type:



[2]Vidberg, H. J., and J. W. Serene. “Solving the Eliashberg Equations by Means of N-Point Pade Approximants.” Journal of Low Temperature Physics 29, no. 3-4 (November 1, 1977): 179-92.
gftools.pade.coefficients(z, fct_z) → numpy.ndarray[source]

Calculate the coefficients for the Pade continuation.

  • z ((N_z, ) complex ndarray) – Array of complex points
  • fct_z ((.., N_z) complex ndarray) – Function at points z

coefficients – Array of Pade coefficients, needed to perform Pade continuation. Has the same same shape as fct_z.

Return type:

(.., N_z) complex ndarray


ValueError – If the size of z and the last dimension of fct_z do not match.