
Collection of commonly used Green’s functions and utilities.

Main purpose is to have a tested base.



check_convergence(gf_iw, potential, beta[, …]) Return data for visual inspection of the density error.
density(gf_iw, potential, beta[, …]) Calculate the number density of the Green’s function gf_iw at finite temperature beta.
density_error(delta_gf_iw, iw_n[, noisy]) Return an estimate for the upper bound of the error in the density.
fermi_fct(eps, beta) Return the Fermi function \(1/(\exp(βz)+1)\).
fermi_fct_d1(eps, beta) Return the 1st derivative of the Fermi function.
fermi_fct_inv(fermi, beta) Inverse of the Fermi function.
hubbard_I_self_z(z, U, occ) Self-energy in Hubbard I approximation (atomic solution).
hubbard_dimer_gf_omega(z, hopping, interaction) Green’s function for the two site Hubbard model on a dimer.
matsubara_frequencies(n_points, beta) Return fermionic Matsubara frequencies \(iω_n\) for the points n_points.
matsubara_frequencies_b(n_points, beta) Return bosonic Matsubara frequencies \(iν_n\) for the points n_points.
multipole_tau(tau, poles, weights, beta) Corresponding imaginary time Green’s function to multipole_z.
multipole_z(z, poles, weights) Green’s function containing multiple poles.
surface_gf(z, eps, hopping_nn) Surface Green’s function for stacked layers.


Result(x, err)