Welcome to GfTools’s documentation!


This reference manual details functions, modules, and objects included in GfTools, describing what they are and what they do.



master Build status master Coverage master
develop Build status develop Coverage develop

Collection of commonly used Green’s functions and utilities. The main propose of this module is to have a tested and thus reliable basis to do numerics. It happened to me too often, that I just made a mistake copying the Green’s function and was then wondering what was wrong with my algorithm. The main use case of GfTools was DMFT and its real space generalization, in particular using CT-QMC algorithms.


Currently the packages is only vailable via GitHub. You can install it using

$ pip install https://github.com/DerWeh/gftools/archive/VERSION.zip

where VERSION can be a release (e.g. 0.5.1) or a branch (e.g. develop). (As always, it is not advised to install it into your system Python, considere using pipenv, venv, conda, pyenv, or similar tools.) Of course you can also clone or fork the project.


The documentation and API can be found here: documentation. There is now also documentation on ReadTheDocs: master doc, develop doc, latest doc

Currently the packages main content is

  • collection of non-interacting Green’s functions and spectral functions see the lattice submodule
  • utility functions like Matsubara frequencies and Fermi functions.
  • reliable calculation of particle numbers via Matsubara sums (Needs a refactor and more accurate extrapolation)
  • Fourier transforms from Matsubara frequencies to imaginary time and back Handling of high-frequencies moments is not yet included and has to be done by hand (especially import for transforms from Matsubara to imaginary time)
  • helper for Green’s functions in matrix form
  • analytic continuation via the Pade algorithm


gftools Collection of commonly used Green’s functions and utilities.
gftools.fourier Fourier transformations of Green’s functions.
gftools.lattice Collection of different lattices and their Green’s functions.
gftools.matrix Functions to work with Green’s in matrix from.
gftools.pade Pade analytic continuation for Green’s functions and self-energies.

Indices and tables