Source code for gftool.matrix

r"""Functions to work with Green's functions in matrix from.

A main use case of this library is the calculation of the Green's function
as the resolvent of the Hermitian or from Dyson equation.
Instead of calculating the inverse for every frequency/k-point it is oftentimes
more efficient, to calculate an eigendecomposition once.

For example, let us calculate the Green's function for 1D tight-binding chain

.. math:: G(z) = [1z - H]^{-1} = [1z - UλU^†]^{-1} = U [z-λ]^{-1} U^†

>>> N = 51  # system size
>>> t = 1   # hopping amplitude
>>> hamilton = np.zeros((N, N))
>>> row, col = np.diag_indices(N)
>>> hamilton[row[:-1], col[1:]] = hamilton[row[1:], col[:-1]] = -t

>>> ww = np.linspace(-2.5, 2.5, num=201) + 1e-1j
>>> dec = gt.matrix.decompose_her(hamilton)
>>> gf_ww = dec.reconstruct(eig=1.0/(ww[:, np.newaxis] - dec.eig))

Let's check that it agrees with the inversion:

>>> gf_inv = np.linalg.inv(np.eye(N)*ww[0] - hamilton)
>>> np.allclose(gf_ww[0], gf_inv)

If we only need the diagonal (local) elements, we can calculate them using:

>>> gf_ww = dec.reconstruct(eig=1.0/(ww[:, np.newaxis] - dec.eig), kind='diag')

Recommended functions

* `decompose_mat` to create `Decomposition` of general matrices
* `decompose_sym` to create `Decomposition` of complex symmetric matrices
* `decompose_her` to create `UDecomposition` of Hermitian matrices

Rest are mostly legacy functions.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

from functools import partial
from dataclasses import dataclass
from import Sequence

import numpy as np

transpose = partial(np.swapaxes, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)

[docs]@dataclass class Decomposition(Sequence): """ Decomposition of a matrix into eigenvalues and eigenvectors. .. math:: M = P Λ P^{-1}, Λ = diag(λ₀, λ₁, …) This class holds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the decomposition of a matrix and offers methods to reconstruct it. One intended use case is to use the `Decomposition` for the inversion of the Green's function to calculate it from the resolvent. The order of the attributes is always `rv, eig, rv_inv`, as this gives the reconstruct of the matrix: `mat = (rv * eig) @ rv_inv` Parameters ---------- rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The matrix of right eigenvectors. eig : (..., N) complex np.ndarray The vector of eigenvalues. rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The inverse of `rv`. Examples -------- Perform the eigendecomposition: >>> matrix = np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> dec = gt.matrix.decompose_mat(matrix) >>> np.allclose(matrix, dec.reconstruct()) True Inversion of matrix >>> matrix_inv = dec.reconstruct(eig=1.0/dec.eig) >>> np.allclose(np.linalg.inv(matrix), matrix_inv) True """ __slots__ = ('rv', 'eig', 'rv_inv') rv: np.ndarray #: The matrix of right eigenvectors. eig: np.ndarray #: The vector of eigenvalues. rv_inv: np.ndarray #: The inverse of `rv`.
[docs] @classmethod def from_hamiltonian(cls, hamilton): r""" Decompose the Hamiltonian matrix. The similarity transformation: .. math:: H = U h U^†, \quad h = diag(λ_l) Parameters ---------- hamilton : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Hermitian matrix to be decomposed. Returns ------- Decomposition """ if isinstance(hamilton, cls): return hamilton return decompose_hamiltonian(hamilton)
[docs] @classmethod def from_gf(cls, gf) -> Decomposition: r""" Decompose the inverse Green's function matrix. The similarity transformation: .. math:: G^{-1} = P g P^{-1}, \quad g = diag(λ_l) Parameters ---------- gf : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Matrix to be decomposed. Returns ------- Decomposition """ if isinstance(gf, cls): return gf return decompose_gf(gf)
[docs] def reconstruct(self, eig=None, kind='full'): """ Get matrix back from `Decomposition`. If the reciprocal of `self.eig` was taken, this corresponds to the inverse of the original matrix. Parameters ---------- eig : (..., N) np.ndarray, optional Alternative value used for `self.eig`. This argument can be used instead of modifying `self.eig`. kind : {'diag', 'full'} or str Defines how to reconstruct the matrix. If `kind` is 'diag', only the diagonal elements are computed, if it is 'full' the complete matrix is returned. Alternatively a `str` used for subscript of `numpy.einsum` can be given. Returns ------- (..., N, N) or (..., N) np.ndarray The reconstructed matrix. If a subscript string is given as `kind`, the shape of the output might differ. """ eig = eig if eig is not None else self.eig kind = kind.lower() if 'diag'.startswith(kind): return ((transpose(self.rv_inv)*self.rv) @ eig[..., np.newaxis])[..., 0] if 'full'.startswith(kind): return self.rv * eig[..., np.newaxis, :] @ self.rv_inv return np.einsum(kind, self.rv, eig, self.rv_inv)
def __getitem__(self, key: int): """Make `Decomposition` behave like the tuple `(rv, eig, rv_inv)`.""" return (self.rv, self.eig, self.rv_inv)[key] def __len__(self) -> int: return 3 def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Decomposition({self.rv.shape}x{self.eig.shape}x{self.rv_inv.shape})"
[docs]@dataclass # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors class UDecomposition(Decomposition): """ Unitary decomposition of a matrix into eigenvalues and eigenvectors. .. math:: H = U Λ U^†, Λ = diag(λₗ) This class holds the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the decomposition of a matrix and offers methods to reconstruct it. One intended use case is to use the `UDecomposition` for the inversion of the Green's function to calculate it from the resolvent. The order of the attributes is always `rv, eig, rv_inv`, as this gives the reconstruct of the matrix: `mat = (rv * eig) @ rv_inv` Parameters ---------- rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The matrix of right eigenvectors. eig : (..., N) float np.ndarray The vector of real eigenvalues. rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The inverse of `rv`. Attributes ---------- u uh s Examples -------- Perform the eigendecomposition: >>> matrix = np.random.random((10, 10)) + 1j*np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> matrix = 0.5*(matrix + matrix.conj().T) >>> dec = gt.matrix.decompose_her(matrix) >>> np.allclose(matrix, dec.reconstruct()) True Inversion of matrix >>> matrix_inv = dec.reconstruct(eig=1.0/dec.eig) >>> np.allclose(np.linalg.inv(matrix), matrix_inv) True The similarity transformation is unitary: >>> np.allclose(dec.u.conj().T, dec.uh) True >>> np.allclose(dec.u @ dec.u.conj().T, np.eye(*matrix.shape)) True """ __slots__ = () @property def u(self): """Unitary matrix of right eigenvectors, same as `rv`.""" return self.rv @property def uh(self): """Hermitian conjugate of unitary matrix `rv`, same as `rv_inv`.""" return self.rv_inv @property def s(self): """Singular values in descending order, different from order of `eig`.""" return np.sort(abs(self.eig))[::-1]
[docs]def decompose_mat(mat) -> Decomposition: r""" Decompose matrix `mat` into eigenvalues and (right) eigenvectors. Decompose the `mat` into `rv, eig, rv_inv`, with `mat = (rv * eig) @ rv_inv`. This is the similarity transformation: .. math:: M = P Λ P^{-1}, Λ = diag(λ₀, λ₁, …) where :math:`λₗ` are the eigenvalues and :math:`P` the matrix of right eigenvectors returned as `rv`. Internally, this is just a wrapper for `numpy.linalg.eig`. Parameters ---------- mat : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Matrix to be decomposed. Returns ------- Decomposition.rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The right eigenvectors :math:`P`. Decomposition.eig : (..., N) complex np.ndarray The complex eigenvalues of `mat`. Decomposition.rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The *inverse* of the right eigenvectors :math:`P`. Examples -------- Perform the eigendecomposition: >>> matrix = np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> rv, eig, rv_inv = gt.matrix.decompose_mat(matrix) >>> np.allclose(matrix, (rv * eig) @ rv_inv) True >>> np.allclose(rv @ rv_inv, np.eye(*matrix.shape)) True This can also be simplified using the `Decomposition` class >>> dec = gt.matrix.decompose_mat(matrix) >>> np.allclose(matrix, dec.reconstruct()) True """ eig, vec = np.linalg.eig(mat) return Decomposition(rv=vec, eig=eig, rv_inv=np.linalg.inv(vec))
[docs]def decompose_sym(sym_mat, check=True) -> Decomposition: r""" Decompose symmetric matrix `sym_mat` into eigenvalues and (right) eigenvectors. Decompose the `sym_mat` into `rv, eig, rv_inv`, with `sym_mat = (rv * eig) @ rv_inv`. This is the *almost orthogonal* similarity transformation: .. math:: M = O Λ O^T, Λ = diag(λ₀, λ₁, …) where :math:`λₗ` are the eigenvalues and :math:`U` the unitary matrix of right eigenvectors returned as `rv` with :math:`O^{-1} ≈ O^T`. Internally, this is just a wrapper for `numpy.linalg.eig`. As mentioned the transformation is only *almost orthogonal*, so you should not rely on this fact! Still, `decompose_sym` should be better conditioned than `decompose_mat` so it is preferable (so slightly slower). If you require orthogonality consider using [noble2017]_, it should also be faster. Parameters ---------- sym_mat : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Matrix to be decomposed. check : bool, optional If `check`, raise an error if `sym_mat` is not symmetric (default: True). Returns ------- Decomposition.rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The right eigenvectors :math:`O`. Decomposition.eig : (..., N) complex np.ndarray The complex eigenvalues of `sym_mat`. Decomposition.rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The *inverse* of the right eigenvectors :math:`O`. Raises ------ ValueError If `check=True` and `sym_mat` is not symmetric. References ---------- .. [noble2017] Noble, J.H., Lubasch, M., Stevens, J., Jentschura, U.D., 2017. Diagonalization of complex symmetric matrices: Generalized Householder reflections, iterative deflation and implicit shifts. Computer Physics Communications 221, 304–316. Examples -------- Perform the eigendecomposition: >>> matrix = np.random.random((10, 10)) + 1j*np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> sym_mat = 0.5*(matrix + matrix.T) >>> rv, eig, rv_inv = gt.matrix.decompose_sym(sym_mat) >>> np.allclose(sym_mat, (rv * eig) @ rv_inv) True The result should be almost orthogonal, but *do not* rely on it! >>> np.allclose(np.linalg.inv(rv), rv.T) True This can also be simplified using the `Decomposition` class >>> dec = gt.matrix.decompose_sym(sym_mat) >>> np.allclose(sym_mat, dec.reconstruct()) True """ if check and not np.allclose(sym_mat - transpose(sym_mat), 0): raise ValueError("Matrix `sym_mat` is not symmetric.") h, rv = np.linalg.eig(sym_mat) # improve coordination number for complex symmetric matrices, rv_scaled is orthogonal rv *= np.sum(rv**2, axis=-2, keepdims=True)**-0.5 # transpose(rv) yields same result, but is susceptible to slight asymmetry of `sym_mat` # np.linalg.inv is therefore more stable rv_inv = np.linalg.inv(rv) return Decomposition(rv=rv, eig=h, rv_inv=rv_inv)
[docs]def decompose_her(her_mat, check=True) -> UDecomposition: r""" Decompose Hermitian matrix `her_mat` into eigenvalues and (right) eigenvectors. Decompose the `her_mat` into `rv, eig, rv_inv`, with `her_mat = (rv * eig) @ rv_inv`. This is the unitary similarity transformation: .. math:: M = U Λ U^†, Λ = diag(λ₀, λ₁, …) where :math:`λₗ` are the eigenvalues and :math:`U` the unitary matrix of right eigenvectors returned as `rv` with :math:`U^{-1} = U^†`. Internally, this is just a wrapper for `numpy.linalg.eigh`. Parameters ---------- her_mat : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Matrix to be decomposed. check : bool, optional If `check`, raise an error if `her_mat` is not Hermitian (default: True). Returns ------- Decomposition.rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The right eigenvectors :math:`U`. Decomposition.eig : (..., N) complex np.ndarray The complex eigenvalues of `her_mat`. Decomposition.rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The *inverse* of the right eigenvectors :math:`U`. Raises ------ ValueError If `check=True` and `her_mat` is not Hermitian. Examples -------- Perform the eigendecomposition: >>> matrix = np.random.random((10, 10)) + 1j*np.random.random((10, 10)) >>> her_mat = 0.5*(matrix + matrix.conj().T) >>> rv, eig, rv_inv = gt.matrix.decompose_her(her_mat) >>> np.allclose(her_mat, (rv * eig) @ rv_inv) True >>> np.allclose(rv @ rv.conj().T, np.eye(*her_mat.shape)) True This can also be simplified using the `Decomposition` class >>> dec = gt.matrix.decompose_her(her_mat) >>> np.allclose(her_mat, dec.reconstruct()) True """ if check and not np.allclose(her_mat - transpose(her_mat.conj()), 0): raise ValueError("Matrix `her_mat` is not Hermitian.") eig, vec = np.linalg.eigh(her_mat) return UDecomposition(rv=vec, eig=eig, rv_inv=transpose(vec.conj()))
[docs]def decompose_gf(g_inv) -> Decomposition: r""" Decompose the inverse Green's function into eigenvalues and eigenvectors. .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use the function `decompose_mat` or `decompose_sym` instead. The similarity transformation: .. math:: G^{-1} = P g P^{-1}, \quad g = diag(λ_l) Parameters ---------- g_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Matrix to be decomposed. Returns ------- Decomposition.rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The right eigenvectors :math:`P`. Decomposition.h : (..., N) complex np.ndarray The complex eigenvalues of `g_inv`. Decomposition.rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The *inverse* of the right eigenvectors :math:`P`. """ warnings.warn("`decompose_gf` is deprecated; use `decompose_mat` or `decompose_sym` instead.", category=DeprecationWarning) return decompose_mat(mat=g_inv)
[docs]def decompose_hamiltonian(hamilton) -> UDecomposition: r""" Decompose the Hamiltonian matrix into eigenvalues and eigenvectors. .. deprecated:: 0.10.0 Use the function `decompose_her`. The similarity transformation: .. math:: H = U h U^†, \quad h = diag(λ_l) Parameters ---------- hamilton : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray Hermitian matrix to be decomposed. Returns ------- Decomposition.rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The right eigenvectors :math:`U`. Decomposition.h : (..., N) float np.ndarray The eigenvalues of `hamilton`. Decomposition.rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The *inverse* of the right eigenvectors :math:`U^†`. The Hamiltonian is hermitian, thus the decomposition is unitary :math:`U^† = U ^{-1}`. """ warnings.warn("`decompose_hamiltonian` is deprecated; use `decompose_her` instead.", category=DeprecationWarning) return decompose_her(hamilton, check=False)
[docs]def construct_gf(rv, diag_inv, rv_inv): r""" Construct Green's function from decomposition of its inverse. .. math:: G^{−1} = P h P^{-1} ⇒ G = P h^{-1} P^{-1} It is recommended to directly use `Decomposition.reconstruct` instead. Parameters ---------- rv : (N, N) complex np.ndarray The matrix of right eigenvectors (:math:`P`). diag_inv : (N) array_like The eigenvalues (:math:`h`). rv_inv : (N, N) complex np.ndarray The inverse of the matrix of right eigenvectors (:math:`P^{-1}`). Returns ------- (N, N) complex np.ndarray The Green's function. """ return
[docs]def gf_2x2_z(z, eps0, eps1, hopping, hilbert_trafo=None): """ Calculate the diagonal Green's function elements for a 2x2 system. Parameters ---------- z : (...) complex array_like Complex frequencies. eps0, eps1 : (...) float or complex array_like On-site energy of element 0 and 1. For interacting systems this can be replaced by on-site energy + self-energy. hopping : (...) float or complex array_like Hopping element between element 0 and 1. hilbert_trafo : Callable, optional Hilbert transformation. If given, return the local Green's function. Else the lattice dispersion :math:`ϵ_k` can be given via `z → z - ϵ_k`. Returns ------- (..., 2) complex array_like Diagonal elements of the Green's function of the 2x2 system. Notes ----- For the trivial case `eps0==eps1 and hopping==0`, this implementation fails. """ mean_eps = np.mean([eps0, eps1], axis=0) sqrt_ = np.lib.scimath.sqrt(0.25*(eps0 - eps1)**2 + hopping*np.conj(hopping)) if hilbert_trafo is None: gf_p, gf_m = 1./(z - mean_eps - sqrt_), 1./(z - mean_eps + sqrt_) else: gf_p, gf_m = hilbert_trafo(z - mean_eps - sqrt_), hilbert_trafo(z - mean_eps + sqrt_) gf0 = 0.5 / sqrt_ * ((eps0 - mean_eps + sqrt_)*gf_p - (eps0 - mean_eps - sqrt_)*gf_m) gf1 = 0.5 / sqrt_ * ((eps1 - mean_eps + sqrt_)*gf_p - (eps1 - mean_eps - sqrt_)*gf_m) return np.stack([gf0, gf1], axis=-1)