Source code for gftool.beb

"""Blackman, Esterling, and Berk (BEB) approach to off-diagonal disorder.

It extends CPA allowing for random hopping amplitudes. [blackman1971]_

The implementation is based on a SVD of the `hopping` matrix,
which is the dimensionless scaling of the hopping of the components. [weh2021]_
However, we use the unitary eigendecomposition instead of the SVD.

Physical quantities
The main quantity of interest is the average local Green's function `gf`.

First the effective medium `self_beb_z` has to be calculated using `solve_root`.
With this result the Green's function can be calculated by the function `gf_loc_z`.

In the BEB formalism, the local Green's function `gf` is a matrix in the components.
The self-consistent Green's function `gf` is diagonal, its trace is the average
physical Green's function.
If only the non-vanishing diagonal elements have been calculated `gf=gf_loc_z(..., diag=True)`,
the average Green's function is `np.sum(gf, axis=-1)`.
The diagonal elements of `gf` are the average for a specific component
(conditional average) multiplied by the concentration of that component.

.. [blackman1971]
   Blackman, J.A., Esterling, D.M., Berk, N.F., 1971.
   Generalized Locator---Coherent-Potential Approach to Binary Alloys.
   Phys. Rev. B 4, 2412–2428.
.. [weh2021] Weh, A., Zhang, Y., Östlin, A., Terletska, H., Bauernfeind, D.,
   Tam, K.-M., Evertz, H.G., Byczuk, K., Vollhardt, D., Chioncel, L., 2021.
   Dynamical mean-field theory of the Anderson--Hubbard model with local and
   nonlocal disorder in tensor formulation. Phys. Rev. B 104, 045127.

We consider a Bethe lattice with two components 'A' and 'B'.
The have the on-site energies `-0.5` and `0.5` respectively,
the concentrations `0.3` and `0.7`.
Furthermore, we assume that the hopping amplitude between 'A' and 'B' is only
`0.3` times the hopping between two 'A' sites,
while the hopping between two 'B' sites is `1.2` times the hopping between two
'A' sites.

Then the following code calculates the local Green's function for component 'A'
and 'B' (conditionally averaged) as well as the average Green's function of the

.. plot::

    from functools import partial

    import gftool as gt
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    eps = np.array([-0.5, 0.5])
    c = np.array([0.3, 0.7])
    t = np.array([[1.0, 0.3],
                  [0.3, 1.2]])
    hilbert = partial(gt.bethe_hilbert_transform, half_bandwidth=1)

    ww = np.linspace(-1.6, 1.6, num=1000) + 1e-4j
    self_beb_ww = gt.beb.solve_root(ww, e_onsite=eps, concentration=c, hopping=t,
    gf_loc_ww = gt.beb.gf_loc_z(ww, self_beb_ww, hopping=t, hilbert_trafo=hilbert)

    __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi/c[0]*gf_loc_ww[:, 0].imag, label='A')
    __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi/c[1]*gf_loc_ww[:, 1].imag, label='B')
    __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi*np.sum(gf_loc_ww.imag, axis=-1), ':', label='avg')
    __ = plt.legend()

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
from __future__ import annotations

import logging

from typing import Callable
from functools import partial

import numpy as np

from numpy import newaxis
from scipy import optimize

from gftool.matrix import decompose_her, decompose_mat, UDecomposition

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# gu-function versions to extract diagonal and transpose matrices
diagonal = partial(np.diagonal, axis1=-2, axis2=-1)
transpose = partial(np.swapaxes, axis1=-1, axis2=-2)

[docs]class SpecDec(UDecomposition): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ SVD like spectral decomposition. Works only for N×N matrices unlike the `UDecomposition` base class. Parameters ---------- rv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The matrix of right eigenvectors. eig : (..., N) float np.ndarray The vector of real eigenvalues. rv_inv : (..., N, N) complex np.ndarray The inverse of `rv`. """
[docs] def truncate(self, rcond=None) -> SpecDec: """ Return the truncated spectral decomposition. Singular values smaller than `rcond` times the largest singular values are discarded. Parameters ---------- rcond : float, rcond Cut-off ratio for small singular values. Returns ------- SpecDec The truncates the spectral decomposition discarding small singular values. """ if rcond is None: rcond = np.finfo(self.eig.dtype).eps * max(self.u.shape[-2:]) max_eig = np.max(abs(self.eig), axis=-1) significant = abs(self.eig) > max_eig*rcond return self.__class__(rv=self.rv[..., :, significant], eig=self.eig[..., significant], rv_inv=self.rv_inv[..., significant, :])
@property def is_trunacted(self) -> bool: """Check if SVD of square matrix is truncated/compact or full.""" ushape, uhshape = self.u.shape, self.uh.shape return not ushape[-2] == ushape[-1] == uhshape[-2]
[docs] def partition(self, return_sqrts=False): """ Symmetrically partition the spectral decomposition as `u * eig**0.5, eig**0.5 * uh`. If `return_sqrts` then `us, np.sqrt(s), suh` is returned, else only `us, suh` is returned (default: False). """ sqrt_eig = np.emath.sqrt(self.eig) us, suh = self.u * sqrt_eig[..., newaxis, :], sqrt_eig[..., :, newaxis] * self.uh if return_sqrts: return us, sqrt_eig, suh return us, suh
[docs]def gf_loc_z(z, self_beb_z, hopping, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex], diag=True, rcond=None): """ Calculate average local Green's function matrix in components. For the self-consistent self-energy `self_beb_z` it is diagonal in the components. Note, that `gf_loc_z` contain the `concentration`. Parameters ---------- z : (...) complex np.ndarray Frequency points. self_beb_z : (..., N_cmpt, N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray BEB self-energy. hopping : (N_cmpt, N_cmpt) float array_like Hopping matrix in the components. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the local Green's function. diag : bool, optional If `diag`, only the diagonal elements are calculated, else the full matrix (default: True). rcond : float, optional Cut-off ratio for small singular values of `hopping`. For the purposes of rank determination, singular values are treated as zero if they are smaller than `rcond` times the largest singular value of `hopping`. Returns ------- (..., N_cmpt) or (..., N_cmpt, N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray The average local Green's function matrix. See Also -------- solve_root """ hopping_dec = SpecDec(*decompose_her(hopping))'hopping singular values %s', hopping_dec.s) hopping_dec = hopping_dec.truncate(rcond)'Keeping %s (out of %s)', hopping_dec.s.shape[-1], hopping_dec.uh.shape[-1]) kind = 'diag' if diag else 'full' eye = np.eye(*hopping.shape) us, sqrt_s, suh = hopping_dec.partition(return_sqrts=True) # [..., newaxis]*eye add matrix axis z_m_self = z[..., newaxis, newaxis]*eye - self_beb_z z_m_self_inv = np.asfortranarray(np.linalg.inv(z_m_self)) dec = decompose_mat(suh @ z_m_self_inv @ us) diag_inv = 1. / dec.eig if not hopping_dec.is_trunacted: svh_inv = transpose(hopping_dec.uh).conj() / sqrt_s[..., newaxis, :] us_inv = transpose(hopping_dec.u).conj() / sqrt_s[..., :, newaxis] dec.rv = svh_inv @ np.asfortranarray(dec.rv) dec.rv_inv = np.asfortranarray(dec.rv_inv) @ us_inv return dec.reconstruct(hilbert_trafo(diag_inv), kind=kind) dec.rv = z_m_self_inv @ us @ np.asfortranarray(dec.rv) dec.rv_inv = np.asfortranarray(dec.rv_inv) @ suh @ z_m_self_inv correction = dec.reconstruct((diag_inv*hilbert_trafo(diag_inv) - 1) * diag_inv, kind=kind) return (diagonal(z_m_self_inv) if diag else z_m_self_inv) + correction
[docs]def self_root_eq(self_beb_z, z, e_onsite, concentration, hopping_dec: SpecDec, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex]): """ Root equation r(Σ)=0 for BEB. Parameters ---------- self_beb_z : (..., N_cmpt, N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray BEB self-energy. z : (...) complex np.ndarray Frequency points. e_onsite : (..., N_cmpt) float or complex array_like On-site energy of the components. concentration : (..., N_cmpt) float array_like Concentration of the different components. hopping_dec : SVD Compact SVD decomposition of the (N_cmpt, N_cmpt) hopping matrix in the components. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the local Green's function. Returns ------- (..., N_cmpt, N_cmpt) Difference of the inverses of the local and the average Green's function. If `diff = 0`, `self_beb_z` is the correct self-energy. See Also -------- solve_root """ eye = np.eye(e_onsite.shape[-1]) # [..., newaxis]*eye adds matrix axis z_m_self = z[..., newaxis, newaxis]*eye - self_beb_z # split symmetrically us, suh = hopping_dec.partition() # matrix-products are faster if larger arrays are in Fortran order z_m_self_inv = np.asfortranarray(np.linalg.inv(z_m_self)) dec = decompose_mat(suh @ z_m_self_inv @ us) dec.rv = us @ np.asfortranarray(dec.rv) dec.rv_inv = np.asfortranarray(dec.rv_inv) @ suh diag_inv = 1. / dec.eig if not hopping_dec.is_trunacted: gf_loc_inv = dec.reconstruct(1./hilbert_trafo(diag_inv), kind='full') else: gf_loc_inv = z_m_self + dec.reconstruct(1./hilbert_trafo(diag_inv) - diag_inv, kind='full') gf_ii_avg_inv = (diagonal(gf_loc_inv) + diagonal(self_beb_z) - e_onsite) / concentration return gf_loc_inv - gf_ii_avg_inv[..., newaxis]*eye
[docs]def restrict_self_root_eq(self_beb_z, *args, **kwds): """Wrap `self_root_eq` to restrict the solutions to `diagonal(self_beb_z).imag > 0`.""" diag_idx = (..., np.eye(*self_beb_z.shape[-2:], dtype=bool)) self_diag = self_beb_z[diag_idx] unphysical = self_diag.imag > 0 if np.all(~unphysical): # no need for restrictions return self_root_eq(self_beb_z, *args, **kwds) distance = self_diag.imag[unphysical].copy() # distance to physical solution self_diag.imag[unphysical] = 0 self_beb_z.imag[diag_idx] = self_diag.imag root = self_root_eq(self_beb_z, *args, **kwds) root_diag = root[diag_idx].copy() root_diag[unphysical] *= (1 + distance) # linearly enlarge residues # kill unphysical roots root_diag.real[unphysical] += 1e-3 * distance * np.where(root_diag.real[unphysical] >= 0, 1, -1) root_diag.imag[unphysical] += 1e-3 * distance * np.where(root_diag.imag[unphysical] >= 0, 1, -1) root[diag_idx] = root_diag return root
[docs]def solve_root(z, e_onsite, concentration, hopping, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex], self_beb_z0=None, restricted=True, rcond=None, **root_kwds): """ Determine the BEB self-energy by solving the root problem. Note, that the result should be checked, whether the obtained solution is physical. Parameters ---------- z : (...) complex np.ndarray Frequency points. e_onsite : (..., N_cmpt) float or complex np.ndarray On-site energy of the components. concentration : (..., N_cmpt) float np.ndarray Concentration of the different components. hopping : (N_cmpt, N_cmpt) float array_like Hopping matrix in the components. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the local Green's function. self_beb_z0 : (..., N_cmpt, N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray, optional Starting guess for the BEB self-energy. restricted : bool, optional Whether the diagonal of `self_beb_z` is restricted to `self_beb_z.imag <= 0` (default: True). Note, that even if `restricted=True`, the imaginary part can get negative within tolerance. This should be removed by hand if necessary. rcond : float, optional Cut-off ratio for small singular values of `hopping`. For the purposes of rank determination, singular values are treated as zero if they are smaller than `rcond` times the largest singular value of `hopping`. **root_kwds Additional arguments passed to `scipy.optimize.root`. `method` can be used to choose a solver. `options=dict(fatol=tol)` can be specified to set the desired tolerance `tol`. Returns ------- (..., N_cmpt, N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray The BEB self-energy as the root of `self_root_eq`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the root problem cannot be solved. See Also -------- gf_loc_z Notes ----- The root problem is solved for the complete input simultaneously. This provides a speed up as the code is vectorized, however, it comes with the trade-off of complicating the root search. So in some cases, it makes sense to split the input arrays, and calculate the root separately. The default method is 'krylov', which typically does a good job. In some cases 'excitingmixing' was found to do a better job, especially close to the CPA limit, where some singular values become small. The progress of the root search is logged for the `logging.DEBUG` level. Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> eps = np.array([-0.5, 0.5]) >>> c = np.array([0.3, 0.7]) >>> t = np.array([[1.0, 0.3], ... [0.3, 1.2]]) >>> hilbert = partial(gt.bethe_hilbert_transform, half_bandwidth=1) >>> ww = np.linspace(-1.6, 1.6, num=1000) + 1e-4j >>> self_beb_ww = gt.beb.solve_root(ww, e_onsite=eps, concentration=c, hopping=t, ... hilbert_trafo=hilbert) >>> gf_loc_ww = gt.beb.gf_loc_z(ww, self_beb_ww, hopping=t, hilbert_trafo=hilbert) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi/c[0]*gf_loc_ww[:, 0].imag, label='A') >>> __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi/c[1]*gf_loc_ww[:, 1].imag, label='B') >>> __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi*np.sum(gf_loc_ww.imag, axis=-1), label='avg') >>> __ = plt.legend() >>> """ hopping_dec = SpecDec(*decompose_her(hopping))'hopping singular values %s', hopping_dec.s) hopping_dec = hopping_dec.truncate(rcond)'Keeping %s (out of %s)', hopping_dec.s.shape[-1], hopping_dec.uh.shape[-1]) self_root_part = partial(self_root_eq, z=z, e_onsite=e_onsite, concentration=concentration, hopping_dec=hopping_dec, hilbert_trafo=hilbert_trafo) if self_beb_z0 is None: self_beb_z0 = np.zeros(hopping.shape, dtype=complex) # experience shows that a single fixed_point is a good starting point self_beb_z0 = self_root_part(self_beb_z0) if np.all(z.imag >= 0): # make sure that we are in the retarded regime diag_idx = (..., np.eye(*hopping.shape, dtype=bool)) self_beb_z0[diag_idx] = np.where(self_beb_z0[diag_idx].imag < 0, self_beb_z0[diag_idx], self_beb_z0[diag_idx].conj()) assert np.all(self_beb_z0[diag_idx].imag <= 0) else: # to use in root, self_beb_z0 has to have the correct shape output = np.broadcast(z, e_onsite[..., 0], concentration[..., 0], self_beb_z0[..., 0, 0]) self_beb_z0 = np.broadcast_to(self_beb_z0, shape=output.shape + np.asarray(hopping).shape) root_eq = partial(restrict_self_root_eq if restricted else self_root_eq, **self_root_part.keywords) # pylint: disable=no-member root_kwds.setdefault("method", "krylov") LOGGER.debug('Search BEB self-energy root') if 'callback' not in root_kwds and LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # setup LOGGER if no 'callback' is provided root_kwds['callback'] = lambda x, f: LOGGER.debug('Residue: %s', np.linalg.norm(f)) sol = optimize.root(root_eq, x0=self_beb_z0, **root_kwds)"BEB self-energy root found after %s iterations.", sol.nit) if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): # check condition number in matrix diagonalization to make sure it is well defined us, suh = hopping_dec.partition() # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking z_m_self = z[..., newaxis, newaxis]*np.eye(*hopping.shape) - sol.x dec = decompose_mat(suh @ np.linalg.inv(z_m_self) @ us) max_cond = np.max(np.linalg.cond(dec.rv))"Maximal coordination number for diagonalization: %s", max_cond) if not sol.success: raise RuntimeError(sol.message) return sol.x