Source code for

"""Coherent cluster approximation (CPA) to substitutional disorder.

For a high-level interface use `solve_root` to solve the CPA problem for
arbitrary frequencies `z`.
Solutions for fixed occupation `occ` can be obtained on the imaginary axis only
using `solve_fxdocc_root`.

Fixed occupation on the real axis is currently not support. We recommend
obtaining the chemical potential `mu` for the given `occ` using
`solve_fxdocc_root` on the imaginary axis, and then run `solve_root` with the
given `mu` on the real axis. In fact, we expect this to be more stable than
fixing the charge on the real axis directly.

# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
import logging

from functools import partial
from typing import Callable, NamedTuple

import numpy as np

from scipy import optimize

from gftool.density import density_iw, chemical_potential

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _join(*args):
    Join arguments to 1D array for use in `optimize`.

    args : array_like
        Arrays to join together.

    joined : np.ndarray
        1D array containing all flattened elements of `args`.
    shapes : list of tuple of int
        Shapes of all `args`. This is necessary to perform the inverse
        operation `_split`.
    args = [np.asanyarray(ar) for ar in args]
    joined = np.concatenate([ar.reshape(-1) for ar in args])
    shapes = [ar.shape for ar in args]
    return joined, shapes

def _split(joined, shapes):
    """Inverse operation to `_join` separating arrays."""
    sizes = [ for sh in shapes[:-1]]
    splited = np.split(joined, indices_or_sections=np.cumsum(sizes))
    return [array.reshape(sh) for array, sh in zip(splited, shapes)]

[docs]def gf_cmpt_z(z, self_cpa_z, e_onsite, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex]): """ Green's function for the components embedded in `self_cpa_z`. Parameters ---------- z, self_cpa_z : (...) complex np.ndarray Frequency points and corresponding CPA self-energy. e_onsite : (..., N_cmpt) float of complex np.ndarray On-site energy of the components. This can also include a local frequency dependent self-energy of the component sites. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the coherent Green's function. Returns ------- (..., N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray The Green's function of the components embedded in `self_cpa_z`. """ gf_coher_z = hilbert_trafo(z - self_cpa_z)[..., np.newaxis] return gf_coher_z / (1 - (e_onsite - self_cpa_z[..., np.newaxis])*gf_coher_z)
[docs]def self_root_eq(self_cpa_z, z, e_onsite, concentration, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex]): """ Root equation r(Σ)=0 for CPA. The root equation writes `r(Σ, z) = T(z) / (1 + T(z)*hilbert_trafo(z-Σ))`. Parameters ---------- self_cpa_z : (...) complex np.ndarray CPA self-energy. z : (...) complex array_like Frequency points. e_onsite : (..., N_cmpt) float or complex np.ndarray On-site energy of the components. This can also include a local frequency dependent self-energy of the component sites. concentration : (..., N_cmpt) float array_like Concentration of the different components used for the average. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the coherent Green's function. Returns ------- (...) complex np.ndarray The result of r(Σ), if it is `0` and hence a root, `self_cpa_z` is the correct CPA self-energy. """ gf_coher_z = hilbert_trafo(z - self_cpa_z) energy_diff = e_onsite - self_cpa_z[..., np.newaxis] T = np.sum(concentration * energy_diff / (1 - energy_diff*gf_coher_z[..., np.newaxis]), axis=-1) return T/(1+T*gf_coher_z)
[docs]def self_fxdpnt_eq(self_cpa_z, z, e_onsite, concentration, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex]): """ Fixed-point equation f(Σ)=Σ for CPA. The fixed-point equation writes `f(Σ, z) = Σ + T(z) / (1 + T(z)*hilbert_trafo(z-Σ))`. Parameters ---------- self_cpa_z : (...) complex np.ndarray CPA self-energy. z : (...) complex array_like Frequency points. e_onsite : (..., N_cmpt) float complex np.ndarray On-site energy of the components. This can also include a local frequency dependent self-energy of the component sites. concentration : (..., N_cmpt) float array_like Concentration of the different components used for the average. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the coherent Green's function. Returns ------- (..., N_z) complex np.ndarray The new self-energy f(Σ), if it is Σ again and hence a fixed-point, `self_cpa_z_new` is the correct CPA self-energy. """ return self_cpa_z + self_root_eq(self_cpa_z, z, e_onsite=e_onsite, concentration=concentration, hilbert_trafo=hilbert_trafo)
[docs]def restrict_self_root_eq(self_cpa_z, *args, **kwds): """Wrap `self_root_eq` to restrict the solutions to `self_cpa_z.imag > 0`.""" unphysical = self_cpa_z.imag > 0 if np.all(~unphysical): # no need for restrictions return self_root_eq(self_cpa_z, *args, **kwds) distance = self_cpa_z.imag[unphysical].copy() # distance to physical solution # print('>', max(distance)) self_cpa_z.imag[unphysical] = 0 root = np.asanyarray(self_root_eq(self_cpa_z, *args, **kwds)) root[unphysical] *= (1 + distance) # linearly enlarge residues # kill unphysical roots root.real[unphysical] += 1e-3 * distance * np.where(root.real[unphysical] >= 0, 1, -1) root.imag[unphysical] += 1e-3 * distance * np.where(root.imag[unphysical] >= 0, 1, -1) return root
[docs]def solve_root(z, e_onsite, concentration, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex], self_cpa_z0=None, restricted=True, **root_kwds): """ Determine the CPA self-energy by solving the root problem. Note that the result should be checked, whether the obtained solution is physical. Parameters ---------- z : (...) complex array_like Frequency points. e_onsite : (..., N_cmpt) float or complex np.ndarray On-site energy of the components. This can also include a local frequency dependent self-energy of the component sites. concentration : (..., N_cmpt) float array_like Concentration of the different components used for the average. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the coherent Green's function. self_cpa_z0 : (...) complex np.ndarray, optional Starting guess for CPA self-energy. restricted : bool, optional Whether `self_cpa_z` is restricted to `self_cpa_z.imag <= 0`. (default: True) Note, that even if `restricted=True`, the imaginary part can get negative within tolerance. This should be removed by hand if necessary. **root_kwds Additional arguments passed to `scipy.optimize.root`. `method` can be used to choose a solver. `options=dict(fatol=tol)` can be specified to set the desired tolerance `tol`. Returns ------- (...) complex np.ndarray The CPA self-energy as the root of `self_root_eq`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If unable to find a solution. Notes ----- For `restricted=True` root-serach, we made good experince with the methods `'anderson'`, `'krylov'` and `'df-sane'`. For `restricted=False`, we made made good experince with the method `'broyden2'`. Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> parameter = dict( ... e_onsite=[-0.3, 0.3], ... concentration=[0.3, 0.7], ... hilbert_trafo=partial(gt.bethe_gf_z, half_bandwidth=1), ... ) >>> ww = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, num=5000) + 1e-10j >>> self_cpa_ww =, **parameter) >>> del parameter['concentration'] >>> gf_cmpt_ww =, self_cpa_ww, **parameter) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi*gf_cmpt_ww[..., 0].imag) >>> __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi*gf_cmpt_ww[..., 1].imag) >>> """ concentration = np.array(concentration) if self_cpa_z0 is None: # static average + 0j to make it complex array self_cpa_z0 = np.sum(e_onsite * concentration, axis=-1) + 0j self_cpa_z0, __ = np.broadcast_arrays(self_cpa_z0, z) else: # make sure that `self_cpa_z0` has right shape of output for root output = np.broadcast(z, e_onsite[..., 0], concentration[..., 0], self_cpa_z0) self_cpa_z0 = np.broadcast_to(self_cpa_z0, shape=output.shape) root_eq = partial(restrict_self_root_eq if restricted else self_root_eq, z=z, e_onsite=e_onsite, concentration=concentration, hilbert_trafo=hilbert_trafo) root_kwds.setdefault("method", "anderson" if restricted else "broyden2") sol = optimize.root(root_eq, x0=self_cpa_z0, **root_kwds) if not sol.success: raise RuntimeError(sol.message) return sol.x
[docs]class RootFxdocc(NamedTuple): """ CPA solution for the self-energy root-equation for fixed occupation. Parameters ---------- self_cpa : np.ndarray or complex The CPA self-energy. mu : float Chemical potential. """ self_cpa: np.ndarray #: The CPA self-energy. mu: float #: Chemical potential.
[docs]def solve_fxdocc_root(iws, e_onsite, concentration, hilbert_trafo: Callable[[complex], complex], beta: float, occ: float = None, self_cpa_iw0=None, mu0: float = 0, weights=1, n_fit=0, restricted=True, **root_kwds) -> RootFxdocc: """ Determine the CPA self-energy by solving the root problem for fixed `occ`. Parameters ---------- iws : (N_iw) complex array_like Positive fermionic Matsubara frequencies. e_onsite : (N_cmpt) float or (..., N_iw, N_cmpt) complex np.ndarray On-site energy of the components. This can also include a local frequency dependent self-energy of the component sites. If multiple non-frequency dependent on-site energies should be considered simultaneously, pass an on-site energy with `N_z=1`: `e_onsite[..., np.newaxis, :]`. concentration : (..., N_cmpt) float array_like Concentration of the different components used for the average. hilbert_trafo : Callable[[complex], complex] Hilbert transformation of the lattice to calculate the coherent Green's function. beta : float Inverse temperature. occ : float Total occupation. self_cpa_iw0, mu0 : (..., N_iw) complex np.ndarray and float, optional Starting guess for CPA self-energy and chemical potential. `self_cpa_iw0` implicitly contains the chemical potential `mu0`, thus they should match. Returns ------- root.self_cpa : (..., N_iw) complex np.ndarray The CPA self-energy as the root of `self_root_eq`. : float Chemical potential for the given occupation `occ`. Other Parameters ---------------- weights : (N_iw) float np.ndarray, optional Passed to `gftool.density_iw`. Residues of the frequencies with respect to the residues of the Matsubara frequencies `1/beta`. (default: 1.) For Padé frequencies this needs to be provided. n_fit : int, optional Passed to `gftool.density_iw`. Number of additionally fitted moments. If Padé frequencies are used, this is typically not necessary (default: 0). restricted : bool, optional Whether `self_cpa_z` is restricted to `self_cpa_z.imag <= 0`. (default: True) Note, that even if `restricted=True`, the imaginary part can get negative within tolerance. This should be removed by hand if necessary. **root_kwds Additional arguments passed to `scipy.optimize.root`. `method` can be used to choose a solver. `options=dict(fatol=tol)` can be specified to set the desired tolerance `tol`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If unable to find a solution. See Also -------- solve_root Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> beta = 30 >>> e_onsite = [-0.3, 0.3] >>> conc = [0.3, 0.7] >>> hilbert = partial(gt.bethe_gf_z, half_bandwidth=1) >>> occ = 0.5, >>> iws = gt.matsubara_frequencies(range(1024), beta=30) >>> self_cpa_iw, mu =, e_onsite, conc, ... hilbert, occ=occ, beta=beta) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> __ = plt.plot(iws.imag, self_cpa_iw.imag, '+--') >>> __ = plt.axhline(np.average(e_onsite, weights=conc) - mu) >>> __ = plt.plot(iws.imag, self_cpa_iw.real, 'x--') >>> check occupation >>> gf_coher_iw = hilbert(iws - self_cpa_iw) >>> gt.density_iw(iws, gf_coher_iw, beta=beta, moments=[1, self_cpa_iw[-1].real]) 0.499999... check CPA >>> self_compare =, np.array(e_onsite)-mu, conc, ... hilbert_trafo=hilbert) >>> np.allclose(self_cpa_iw, self_compare, atol=1e-5) True """ concentration = np.asarray(concentration)[..., np.newaxis, :] e_onsite = np.asarray(e_onsite) if self_cpa_iw0 is None: # static average + 0j to make it complex array self_cpa_iw0 = np.sum(e_onsite * concentration, axis=-1) - mu0 + 0j self_cpa_iw0, __ = np.broadcast_arrays(self_cpa_iw0, iws) self_cpa_nomu = self_cpa_iw0 + mu0 # strip contribution of mu # TODO: use on-site energy to estimate m2+mu, which only has to be adjusted by mu m1 = np.ones_like(self_cpa_iw0[..., -1].real) def _occ_diff(x): gf_coher_iw = hilbert_trafo(iws - x) m2 = x[..., -1].real # for large iws, real part should static part occ_root = density_iw(iws, gf_iw=gf_coher_iw, beta=beta, weights=weights, moments=np.stack([m1, m2], axis=-1), n_fit=n_fit).sum() return occ_root - occ mu = chemical_potential(lambda mu: _occ_diff(self_cpa_nomu - mu), mu0=mu0) LOGGER.debug("VCA chemical potential: %s", mu) # one iteration gives the ATA: average t-matrix approximation self_cpa_nomu = self_fxdpnt_eq(self_cpa_nomu - mu, iws, e_onsite - mu, concentration, hilbert_trafo) + mu mu = chemical_potential(lambda mu: _occ_diff(self_cpa_nomu - mu), mu0=mu) LOGGER.debug("ATA chemical potential: %s", mu) x0, shapes = _join([mu], self_cpa_nomu.real, self_cpa_nomu.imag) self_root_eq_ = partial(restrict_self_root_eq if restricted else self_root_eq, z=iws, concentration=concentration, hilbert_trafo=hilbert_trafo) def root_eq(mu_selfcpa): mu, self_cpa_re, self_cpa_im = _split(mu_selfcpa, shapes) self_cpa = self_cpa_re + 1j*self_cpa_im - mu # add contribution of mu self_root = self_root_eq_(self_cpa, e_onsite=e_onsite - mu) occ_root = _occ_diff(self_cpa) return _join([self_root.size*occ_root], self_root.real, self_root.imag)[0] root_kwds.setdefault("method", "krylov") LOGGER.debug('Search CPA self-energy root') if 'callback' not in root_kwds and LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): # setup LOGGER if no 'callback' is provided root_kwds['callback'] = lambda x, f: LOGGER.debug( 'Residue: mu=%+6g cpa=%6g', f[0], np.linalg.norm(f[1:]) ) sol = optimize.root(root_eq, x0=x0, **root_kwds) LOGGER.debug("CPA self-energy root found after %s iterations.", sol.nit) if not sol.success: raise RuntimeError(sol.message) mu, self_cpa_re, self_cpa_im = _split(sol.x, shapes) self_cpa = self_cpa_re - mu + 1j*self_cpa_im # add contribution of mu LOGGER.debug("CPA chemical potential: %s", mu.item()) return RootFxdocc(self_cpa, mu=mu.item())