Source code for gftool

"""Collection of commonly used Green's functions and utilities.

Main purpose is to have a tested base.


.. autosummary::
  :toctree: generated



.. glossary::

      Density of States

      (Real) energy variable. Typically used for for the :term:`DOS`
      where it replaces the k-dependent Dispersion :math:`ϵ_k`.

      Bosonic Matsubara frequencies

      Fermionic Matsubara frequencies

      Imaginary time points

      Complex frequency variable

import logging
import warnings

from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

from numpy import newaxis

from . import beb, cpa, fourier, lattice, matrix as gtmatrix, linearprediction, polepade
from ._util import _gu_sum
from ._version import get_versions

# Bethe lattice
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from .lattice.bethe import (dos as bethe_dos, dos_moment as bethe_dos_moment,
                            gf_d1_z as bethe_gf_d1_z, gf_d2_z as bethe_gf_d2_z,
                            gf_z as bethe_gf_z,
                            hilbert_transform as bethe_hilbert_transform)

# One-dimensional lattice
from .lattice.onedim import (dos as onedim_dos,
                             dos_moment as onedim_dos_moment,
                             gf_z as onedim_gf_z,
                             hilbert_transform as onedim_hilbert_transform)

# Square lattice
from .lattice.square import (dos as square_dos,
                             dos_moment as square_dos_moment,
                             gf_z as square_gf_z,
                             hilbert_transform as square_hilbert_transform)

# Triangular lattice
from .lattice.triangular import (dos as triangular_dos,
                                 dos_moment as triangular_dos_moment,
                                 gf_z as triangular_gf_z,
                                 hilbert_transform as triangular_hilbert_transform)

# Honeycomb lattice
from .lattice.honeycomb import (dos as honeycomb_dos,
                                dos_moment as honeycomb_dos_moment,
                                gf_z as honeycomb_gf_z,
                                hilbert_transform as honeycomb_hilbert_transform)

# Simple cubic lattice
from import (dos as sc_dos,
                         dos_moment as sc_dos_moment,
                         gf_z as sc_gf_z,
                         hilbert_transform as sc_hilbert_transform)

# Body-centered cubic lattice
from .lattice.bcc import (dos as bcc_dos,
                          dos_moment as bcc_dos_moment,
                          gf_z as bcc_gf_z,
                          hilbert_transform as bcc_hilbert_transform)

# Body-centered cubic lattice
from .lattice.fcc import (dos as fcc_dos,
                          dos_moment as fcc_dos_moment,
                          gf_z as fcc_gf_z,
                          hilbert_transform as fcc_hilbert_transform)

# Fermi statistics
from .statistics import (fermi_fct, fermi_fct_d1, fermi_fct_inv,
                         matsubara_frequencies, pade_frequencies)

# Bose statistics
from .statistics import (bose_fct, matsubara_frequencies_b)

# Green's function give by finite number poles
from .basis.pole import (gf_z as pole_gf_z,
                         gf_d1_z as pole_gf_d1_z,
                         gf_tau as pole_gf_tau,
                         gf_ret_t as pole_gf_ret_t,
                         moments as pole_gf_moments)

from .density import density_iw, chemical_potential

__version__ = get_versions()['version']

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# silence warnings of unused imports
assert all((beb, cpa, fourier, lattice, linearprediction, polepade))
assert all((bethe_dos, bethe_dos_moment, bethe_gf_d1_z, bethe_gf_d2_z,
            bethe_gf_z, bethe_hilbert_transform))
assert all((onedim_dos, onedim_dos_moment, onedim_gf_z, onedim_hilbert_transform))
assert all((square_dos, square_dos_moment, square_gf_z, square_hilbert_transform))
assert all((triangular_dos, triangular_dos_moment, triangular_gf_z, triangular_hilbert_transform))
assert all((honeycomb_dos, honeycomb_dos_moment, honeycomb_gf_z, honeycomb_hilbert_transform))
assert all((sc_dos, sc_dos_moment, sc_gf_z, sc_hilbert_transform))
assert all((bcc_dos, bcc_dos_moment, bcc_gf_z, bcc_hilbert_transform))
assert all((fcc_dos, fcc_dos_moment, fcc_gf_z, fcc_hilbert_transform))
assert all((fermi_fct, fermi_fct_d1, fermi_fct_inv, matsubara_frequencies, pade_frequencies))
assert all((bose_fct, matsubara_frequencies_b))
assert all((pole_gf_z, pole_gf_d1_z, pole_gf_tau, pole_gf_ret_t, pole_gf_moments))
assert all((density_iw, chemical_potential))

[docs]def surface_gf_zeps(z, eps, hopping_nn): r""" Surface Green's function for stacked layers. .. math:: \left(1 - \sqrt{1 - 4 t^2 g_{00}^2}\right)/(2 t^2 g_{00}) with :math:`g_{00} = (z-ϵ)^{-1}` [odashima2016]_. This is in principle the Green's function for a semi-infinite chain. Parameters ---------- z : complex Green's function is evaluated at complex frequency `z`. eps : float Eigenenergy (dispersion) for which the Green's function is evaluated. hopping_nn : float Nearest neighbor hopping :math:`t` between neighboring layers. Returns ------- complex Value of the surface Green's function. References ---------- .. [odashima2016] Odashima, Mariana M., Beatriz G. Prado, and E. Vernek. Pedagogical Introduction to Equilibrium Green's Functions: Condensed-Matter Examples with Numerical Implementations. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fisica 39, no. 1 (September 22, 2016). """ return bethe_gf_z(z-eps, half_bandwidth=2.*hopping_nn)
[docs]def hubbard_dimer_gf_z(z, hopping, interaction, kind='+'): r""" Green's function for the two site Hubbard model on a *dimer*. The Hamilton is given .. math:: H = -t∑_{σ}(c^†_{1σ} c_{2σ} + c^†_{2σ} c_{1σ}) + U∑_i n_{i↑} n_{i↓} with the `hopping` :math:`t` and the `interaction` :math:`U`. The Green's function is given for the operators :math:`c_{±σ} = 1/√2 (c_{1σ} ± c_{2σ})`, where :math:`±` is given by `kind` Parameters ---------- z : complex ndarray or complex Green's function is evaluated at complex frequency `z`. hopping : float The hopping parameter between the sites of the dimer. interaction : float The Hubbard interaction strength for the on-site interaction. kind : {'+', '-'} The operator for which the Green's function is calculated. Returns ------- complex ndarray Value of the Hubbard dimer Green's function at frequencies `z`. Notes ----- The solution is obtained by exact digitalization and shown in [eder2017]_. References ---------- .. [eder2017] Eder, Robert. “Introduction to the Hubbard Mode.” In The Physics of Correlated Insulators, Metals and Superconductors, edited by Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Richard Scalettar, and Richard Martin. Schriften Des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Modeling and Simulation 7. Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2017. """ if kind not in ('+', '-'): raise ValueError(f"invalid literal for `kind`: '{kind}'") s = 1 if kind == '+' else -1 t = hopping U = interaction W = (0.25*U*U + 4*t*t)**0.5 E_0 = 0.5*U - W gf_z = (0.5 + s*t/W) / (z - (E_0 + s*t)) gf_z += (0.5 - s*t/W) / (z - (U + s*t - E_0)) return gf_z
[docs]def hubbard_I_self_z(z, U, occ): r""" Self-energy in Hubbard-I approximation (atomic solution). The chemical potential and the onsite energy have to be included in `z`. Parameters ---------- z : complex array_like The complex frequencies at which the self-energy is evaluated. `z` should be shifted by the onsite energy and the chemical potential. U : float array_like The local Hubbard interaction `U`. occ : float array_like The occupation of the opposite spin as the spin of the self-energy. Returns ------- complex array_like The self-energy in Hubbard I approximation. Examples -------- >>> U = 5 >>> mu = U/2 # particle-hole symmetric case -> n=0.5 >>> ww = np.linspace(-5, 5, num=1000) + 1e-6j >>> self_ww = gt.hubbard_I_self_z(ww+mu, U, occ=0.5) Show the spectral function for the Bethe lattice, we see the two Hubbard bands centered at ±U/2: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> gf_iw = gt.bethe_gf_z(ww+mu-self_ww, half_bandwidth=1.) >>> __ = plt.plot(ww.real, -1./np.pi*gf_iw.imag) >>> """ hartree = U * occ return hartree * z / (z - U + hartree)
[docs]def pole_gf_tau_b(tau, poles, weights, beta): """ Bosonic imaginary time Green's function given by a finite number of `poles`. The bosonic Green's function is given by `G(tau) = -(1 + bose_fct(poles, beta))*exp(-poles*tau)` Parameters ---------- tau : (...) float array_like Green's function is evaluated at imaginary times `tau`. Only implemented for :math:`τ ∈ [0, β]`. poles, weights : (..., N) float array_like Position and weight of the poles. The real part of the poles needs to be positive `poles.real > 0`. beta : float Inverse temperature. Returns ------- (...) float np.ndarray Imaginary time Green's function. Raises ------ ValueError If any `poles.real <= 0`. See Also -------- pole_gf_z : Corresponding commutator Green's function. Examples -------- >>> beta = 10 >>> tau = np.linspace(0, beta, num=1000) >>> gf_tau = gt.pole_gf_tau_b(tau, .5, 1., beta=beta) The integrated imaginary time Green's function gives `-np.sum(weights/poles)` >>> np.trapz(gf_tau, x=tau) -2.0000041750107735 >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> __ = plt.plot(tau, gf_tau) >>> __ = plt.xlabel('τ') >>> """ assert np.all((tau >= 0.) & (tau <= beta)) poles = np.atleast_1d(poles) tau = np.asanyarray(tau)[..., newaxis] beta = np.asanyarray(beta)[..., newaxis] if np.any(poles.real < 0): raise ValueError("Bosonic Green's function only well-defined for positive `poles`.") # eps((beta-tau)*pole)*g(pole, beta) = -exp(-tau*pole)*g(pole, -beta) return _gu_sum(weights*bose_fct(poles, -beta)*np.exp(-tau*poles))
Result = namedtuple('Result', ['x', 'err'])
[docs]def density(gf_iw, potential, beta, return_err=True, matrix=False, total=False): r""" Calculate the number density of the Green's function `gf_iw` at finite temperature `beta`. .. deprecated:: 0.8.0 Mostly superseded by more flexible `density_iw`, thus this function will likely be discontinued. Currently `density` is a little more accurate for `matrix=True`, compared to `density_iw` without using fitting. As Green's functions decay only as :math:`1/ω`, the known part of the form :math:`1/(iω_n + μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}})` will be calculated analytically. :math:`Σ_{\text{static}}` is the ω-independent mean-field part of the self-energy. Parameters ---------- gf_iw : complex ndarray The Matsubara frequency Green's function for positive frequencies :math:`iω_n`. The last axis corresponds to the Matsubara frequencies. potential : float ndarray or float The static potential for the large-ω behavior of the Green's function. It is the real constant :math:`μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}}`. The shape must agree with `gf_iw` without the last axis. If `matrix`, then potential needs to be a (N, N) matrix. It is the negative of the Hamiltonian matrix and thus needs to be hermitian. beta : float The inverse temperature `beta` = 1/T. return_err : bool or float, optional If `True` (default), the error estimate will be returned along with the density. If `return_err` is a float, a warning will Warning will be issued if the error estimate is larger than `return_err`. If `False`, no error estimate is calculated. See `density_error` for description of the error estimate. matrix : bool, optional Whether the given `potential` is a matrix (default: False). total : bool or tuple If `total` the total density (summed over all dimensions) is returned. Also a tuple can be given, over which axes the sums is taken. Returns ------- x : float The number density of the given Green's function `gf_iw`. err : float An estimate for the density error. Only returned if `return_err` is `True`. Notes ----- The number density can be obtained from the Matsubara frequency Green's function using .. math:: ⟨n⟩ = \lim_{ϵ↗0} G(τ=-ϵ) = 1/β ∑_{n=-∞}^{∞} G(iω_n) As Green's functions decay only as :math:`O(1/ω)`, truncation of the summation yields a non-vanishing contribution of the tail. For the analytic structure of the Green's function see [2]_, [3]_. To take this into consideration the known part of the form :math:`1/(iω_n + μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}})` will be calculated analytically. This yields [1]_ .. math:: ⟨n⟩ = 1/β ∑_{n=-∞}^{∞} [G(iω_n) - 1/(iω_n + μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}})] \\ + 1/2 + 1/2 \tanh[1/2 β(μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}})]. We can use the symmetry :math:`G(z*) = G^*(z)` do reduce the sum only over positive Matsubara frequencies .. math:: ∑_{n=-∞}^{∞} G(iω_n) &= ∑_{n=-∞}^{-1} G(iω_n) + ∑_{n=0}^{n=∞} G(iω_n) \\ &= ∑_{n=0}^{∞} [G(-iω_n) + G(iω_n)] \\ &= 2 ∑_{n=0}^{∞} ℜG(iω_n). Thus we get the final expression .. math:: ⟨n⟩ = 2/β ∑_{n≥0} ℜ[G(iω_n) - 1/(iω_n + μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}})] \\ + 1/2 + 1/2 \tanh[1/2 β(μ - ϵ - ℜΣ_{\text{static}})]. References ---------- .. [1] Hale, S. T. F., and J. K. Freericks. "Many-Body Effects on the Capacitance of Multilayers Made from Strongly Correlated Materials." Physical Review B 85, no. 20 (May 24, 2012). .. [2] Eder, Robert. “Introduction to the Hubbard Mode.” In The Physics of Correlated Insulators, Metals and Superconductors, edited by Eva Pavarini, Erik Koch, Richard Scalettar, and Richard Martin. Schriften Des Forschungszentrums Jülich Reihe Modeling and Simulation 7. Jülich: Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2017. .. [3] Luttinger, J. M. “Analytic Properties of Single-Particle Propagators for Many-Fermion Systems.” Physical Review 121, no. 4 (February 15, 1961): 942–49. """ warnings.warn("`density` is deprecated; use `density_iw` instead.", category=DeprecationWarning) iw = matsubara_frequencies(np.arange(gf_iw.shape[-1]), beta=beta) if total: assert gf_iw.ndim == 1 if matrix: dec = gtmatrix.decompose_her(potential) eig = dec.eig tail = dec.reconstruct(1./np.add.outer(iw, eig), kind='diag') tail = np.moveaxis(tail, source=0, destination=-1) analytic = dec.reconstruct(fermi_fct(-eig, beta=beta), kind='diag') else: tail = 1/np.add.outer(potential, iw) analytic = fermi_fct(-potential, beta=beta) if total: axis = tuple(range(tail.ndim - 1)) if total is True else total tail = tail.real.sum(axis=axis) analytic = np.sum(analytic) delta_g_re = gf_iw.real - tail.real density = 2. * np.sum(delta_g_re, axis=-1) / beta density += analytic if return_err: err = density_error(delta_g_re, iw) if return_err is True: return Result(x=density, err=err) else: if np.any(err > return_err): warnings.warn("density result inaccurate, error estimate = " + str(err), Warning) return density
[docs]def density_error(delta_gf_iw, iw_n, noisy=True): """ Return an estimate for the upper bound of the error in the density. This estimate is based on the *integral test*. The crucial assumption is, that `ω_N` is large enough, such that :math:`ΔG ∼ 1/ω_n^2` for all larger :math:`n`. If this criteria is not met, the error estimate is unreasonable and can **not** be trusted. If the error is of the same magnitude as the density itself, the behavior of the variable `factor` should be checked. Parameters ---------- delta_gf_iw : (..., N) ndarray The difference between the Green's function :math:`Δ G(iω_n)` and the non-interacting high-frequency estimate. Only it's real part is needed. iw_n : (N) complex ndarray The Matsubara frequencies corresponding to `delta_gf_iw`. noisy : bool, optional Whether the input `delta_gf_iw` contains noise (default: True). If `noisy`, an average over the highest frequency is taken to estimate the error. Returns ------- float The estimate of the upper bound of the error. Reliable only for large enough Matsubara frequencies. """ part = slice(iw_n.size//10, None, None) # only consider last 10, iw must be big wn = iw_n[part].imag denominator = 1./np.pi/wn[-1] if noisy: factor = np.average(delta_gf_iw[..., part] * wn**2, axis=-1) else: delta_gf_iw = abs(delta_gf_iw.real) factor = np.max(delta_gf_iw[..., part] * wn**2, axis=-1) estimate = factor * denominator return estimate
[docs]def density_error2(delta_gf_iw, iw_n): """ Return an estimate for the upper bound of the error in the density. This estimate is based on the *integral test*. The crucial assumption is, that `ω_N` is large enough, such that :math:`ΔG ∼ 1/ω_n^3` for all larger :math:`n`. If this criteria is not met, the error estimate is unreasonable and can **not** be trusted. If the error is of the same magnitude as the density itself, the behavior of the variable `factor` should be checked. Parameters ---------- delta_gf_iw : (..., N) ndarray The difference between the Green's function :math:`Δ G(iω_n)` and the non-interacting high-frequency estimate. Only it's real part is needed. iw_n : (N) complex ndarray The Matsubara frequencies corresponding to `delta_gf_iw`. Returns ------- float The estimate of the upper bound of the error. Reliable only for large enough Matsubara frequencies. """ delta_gf_iw = abs(delta_gf_iw.real) part = slice(iw_n.size//10, None, None) # only consider last 10, iw must be big wn = iw_n[part].imag denominator = 1./2.*np.pi/wn[-1]**2 factor = np.max(delta_gf_iw[..., part] * wn**3, axis=-1) estimate = factor * denominator return estimate
[docs]def check_convergence(gf_iw, potential, beta, order=2, matrix=False, total=False): """ Return data for visual inspection of the density error. The calculation of the density error assumes that *sufficient* Matsubara frequencies were used. Sufficient means here, that the reminder :math:`ΔG` does **not** grow anymore. If the error estimate is small, but `check_convergence` returns rapidly growing data, the number of Matsubara frequencies is not sufficient See `density` for parameters. Returns ------- float ndarray The last dimension of `check_convergence` corresponds to the Matsubara frequencies. Other Parameters ---------------- order : int The assumed order of the first non-vanishing term of the Laurent expansion. """ iw = matsubara_frequencies(np.arange(gf_iw.shape[-1]), beta=beta) if matrix: dec = gtmatrix.decompose_her(potential) tail = dec.reconstruct(1./np.add.outer(dec.eig, iw), kind='diag') else: tail = 1/np.add.outer(potential, iw) if total: tail = tail.real.sum(axis=tuple(range(tail.ndim - 1))) delta_g_re = gf_iw.real - tail.real return iw.imag**order * delta_g_re