
gftool.lattice.lieb.dos_mp(eps, half_bandwidth=1)[source]

Multi-precision DOS of non-interacting 2D lieb lattice.

The delta-peak at eps=0 is ommited and must be treated seperately! Without it, the DOS integrates to 2/3.

Besides the delta-peak, the DOS diverges at eps=±half_bandwidth/2**0.5.

This function is particularity suited to calculate integrals of the form \(∫dϵ DOS(ϵ)f(ϵ)\). If you have problems with the convergence, consider removing singularities, e.g. split the integral

\[\begin{split}∫^0 dϵ DOS(ϵ)[f(ϵ) - f(-D/\sqrt{2})] + ∫_0 dϵ DOS(ϵ)[f(ϵ) - f(+D/\sqrt{3})] \\ + [f(-D/\sqrt{2}) + f(0) + f(+D/\sqrt{2})]/3\end{split}\]

where \(D\) is the half_bandwidth, or symmetrize the integral.

The Green’s function and therefore the DOS of the 2D Lieb lattice can be expressed in terms of the 2D square lattice gftool.lattice.square.dos, see [kogan2021].

epsmpmath.mpf or mpf_like

DOS is evaluated at points eps.

half_bandwidthmpmath.mpf or mpf_like

Half-bandwidth of the DOS, DOS(| eps | > half_bandwidth) = 0. The half_bandwidth corresponds to the nearest neighbor hopping t=D * 2**1.5.


The value of the DOS.

See also


Vectorized version suitable for array evaluations.




Kogan, E., Gumbs, G., 2020. Green’s Functions and DOS for Some 2D Lattices. Graphene 10, 1–12.


Calculated integrals

>>> from mpmath import mp
>>> mp.identify(mp.quad(gt.lattice.lieb.dos_mp, [-1, -2**-0.5, 0, 2**-0.5, 1]))
>>> eps = np.linspace(-1.5, 1.5, num=501)
>>> dos_mp = [gt.lattice.lieb.dos_mp(ee, half_bandwidth=1) for ee in eps]
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> for pos in (-2**-0.5, 0, +2**-0.5):
...     _ = plt.axvline(pos, color='black', linewidth=0.8)
>>> _ = plt.plot(eps, dos_mp)
>>> _ = plt.xlabel(r"$\epsilon/D$")
>>> _ = plt.ylabel(r"DOS * $D$")
>>> _ = plt.ylim(bottom=0)
>>> _ = plt.xlim(left=eps.min(), right=eps.max())

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