
gftool.hermpade.pader(an, num_deg: int, den_deg: int, rcond: float = 1e-14) RatPol[source]

Robust version of Padé approximant to polynomial an.

Implements more or less [gonnet2013]. The degrees num_deg and den_deg are automatically reduced to obtain a robust solution.

an(L,) array_like

Taylor series coefficients representing polynomial of order L-1.

num_deg, den_degint

The order of the return approximating numerator/denominator polynomial. The sum must be at most L: L >= n + m + 1. Depending on rcond the degrees can be reduced.

rcondfloat, optional

Cut-off ratio for small singular values. For the purposes of rank determination, singular values are treated as zero if they are smaller than rcond times the largest singular value (default: 1e-14). The default is appropriate for round error due to machine precision.


The rational polynomial with numerator RatPol.numer, and denominator RatPol.denom.

See also




1.Gonnet, P., Güttel, S. & Trefethen, L. N. Robust Padé Approximation via SVD. SIAM Rev. 55, 101–117 (2013).


The robust version can avoid over fitting for high-order Padé approximants. Choosing an appropriate rcond, is however a delicate task in practice. We consider an example with random noise on the Taylor coefficients an:

>>> from scipy.special import binom
>>> deg = 50
>>> an = binom(1/3, np.arange(2*deg + 1))  # Taylor of (1+x)**(1/3)
>>> an += np.random.default_rng().normal(scale=1e-9, size=2*deg + 1)
>>> x = np.linspace(-1, 3, num=500)
>>> fx = np.emath.power(1+x, 1/3)
>>> pade = gt.hermpade.pade(an, num_deg=deg, den_deg=deg)
>>> pader = gt.hermpade.pader(an, num_deg=deg, den_deg=deg, rcond=1e-8)
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> __ = plt.plot(x, abs(pade.eval(x) - fx), label='standard Padé')
>>> __ = plt.plot(x, abs(pader.eval(x) - fx), label='robust Padé')
>>> plt.yscale('log')
>>> __ = plt.legend()

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